Exam Accommodations

General Overview

It is optimal for students to take their exams in a location close to their faculty members, so they have the same opportunity to ask questions and receive clarification from the professor as the rest of the class.  The Office of Disability and Accommodation Services encourages faculty to arrange for accommodated exams within their departments.

If faculty members cannot make testing arrangements within their department, the ODA staff may be able to make arrangements for the student to take their exam in an alternate setting. We encourage students to schedule all quizzes, exams, mid-terms, and final exams as soon as possible.

Scheduling Exams:

Once the professor receives the student's letter of accommodations, they can do the following:

  • The professor and student should discuss the testing details and create a plan to provide accommodations at least two weeks before the exam date.  The Office of Disability and Accommodation Services does not need to be involved in this discussion.  
  • When the professor and student cannot agree on providing exam accommodations, the student should email oda@moravian.edu to make arrangements with the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services staff.
  • The student and professor must complete the at least one week prior to an exam, and 2 weeks prior to midterms and final exams.
  • The Office of Disability and Accommodation Services staff will work with the student to set the exam date and time.  Should the student have back-to-back classes during the scheduled exam time, the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services will work with the student and professor to find a mutually convenient exam day.  There are circumstances when the student may not be able to take the exam on the same day as the rest of the class, and the office will work with the student and professor to find an alternate exam time for the student.

Common Testing Accommodations

  • Extended time (1.5 or 2)
    • Having extended testing time is one of the most commonly used testing accommodations.
    • Faculty can easily individualize the amount of testing time on online learning platforms.  For more instructions, contact the Instructional Technology team to learn how to extend times on exams.
    • For students who receive time and a half (1.5), multiply the total amount of minutes you are giving the exam to take the quiz or exam by 1.5.  For students who receive double-time, multiply the total amount of minutes by 2.  For example, for a 70-minute exam, a student who gets an accommodation of time and a half should be given 105 minutes (or 1 hour 45 minutes) to complete the exam.  A student who receives double-time should have 140 minutes (or 2 hours 20 minutes) to complete an exam.
    • In situations where students have back-to-back classes, the exam may need to be administered at another time or location to avoid disrupting class-time learning.
    • Sometimes it seems necessary to move a student mid-exam to provide extended time.  However, it can be somewhat disruptive to the student's thought process and adversely affect their test performance. We recommend consulting with the student to discuss what would work best for them.
    • If there is a concern with scheduling an exam, either the student or the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services staff will contact the professor.  Faculty and students will collaborate to find a mutually agreed-upon solution.  We encourage students to notify the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services if additional support is needed. 
  • Distraction-Reduced testing location
    • While no environment is distraction-free, a low-distraction environment is a testing locale with minimal interruptions and little noise.  Smaller classrooms with few students or a quiet office would be suitable.
    • It is essential to discuss the proposed testing environment with the student to determine the appropriateness of the testing environment.  Some suggestions are to use a quiet room or office and schedule the student's test when an appropriate space is available.
    • Students should assume that they may be taking their exams with a small group of students.  
    • We encourage professors to consider structuring flexibility into exams.  For example, the student can take the exam anytime before 11:59 p.m. on Monday, September 19.
  • Allow Student to Take a Break During an Exam
    • Due to a student's medical condition, they may need to take breaks during an exam.  Breaks during exams should not impact their testing time.  Therefore, the timer should stop, and the professor should allow them to take their approved break.
    • If you or the student have concerns about how this will work, please contact the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services.
  • Use of a 4-Function Calculator
    • Calculators may be an appropriate academic accommodation depending on class course objectives and the skill assessed.  The Office of Disability and Accommodation Services will discuss this accommodation individually with each professor.  
  • Proctoring Software
    • Some students may have issues or concerns when faculty use proctoring software in a testing environment.  If there are concerns about this accommodation, please contact the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services.

The Proctoring Exam Process

  • Exams begin when listed on the confirmation email and on the Google Calendar invitation that students and faculty receive.  Exams will start on time.
  • Students should arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the exams start.  Students who come early for exams notice a decrease in anxiety levels and allows time to set up their testing area.
  • Should you arrive late for your exam, your end time will remain the same. 
  • Students who arrive later than 15 minutes after the testing time will not start the exam until the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services has had a chance to consult with the professor and obtain instructions on how to proceed. 
  • Students should bring all needed testing materials with them, such as a pencil, eraser, calculator (if permitted), notes/textbooks (if allowed), etc.
  • For test security, the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services staff will ask all students to remove their smart devices, including watches, and anything else that could violate the academic code of conduct from their person.

Faculty Responsibilities

  • When professors proctor exams for their students, they maintain control over the exam, and the students can access the professor during the test. Additionally, some students may feel they are at a disadvantage if they cannot ask questions during exams as their peers can do. The Office of Disability and Accommodation Services recommends that students test as close to the professor as possible.
  • Professors should email their exams to asc@moravian.edu or drop them off to the Student Life Suite in the Lower Level of the HUB a minimum of 24 hours before the exam time.
  • Professors should indicate what the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services should do with the completed exam: 
    • Scan and email it to the professor and send the original document to their office through campus mail.
    • Pick up the exam.
    • The exam will be on the computer and does not need follow-up. 
  • Professors must provide contact information, preferably a phone number and email address, so that the Office of Disability and Accommodation Services staff can contact them if students have questions during the exam.
  • Professors should indicate what materials they are allowing the class to use during the exam.  Some examples may include textbooks, notes, equation sheets, calculators, computers, etc. 

Exam Security

  • Regardless of the accommodation for a student’s testing environment, all students will be expected to adhere to the academic code of conduct.
  • The Office of Disability and Accommodation Services commits to providing a secure testing environment.
  • The Office of Disability and Accommodation Services proctors exams to ensure academic honesty.
  • The Office of Disability and Accommodation Services stores exams in a locked office.