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Dr. Johnston with students

Academic Advising

Faculty members in the psychology department are here to help you with any of your academic needs. Once you declare your psychology major, you’ll be assigned an advisor who is a member of our faculty. You’re encouraged to meet with your advisor at any time during the semester regarding any questions you may have.

Don’t wait until registration time to determine what classes to take or what alternative courses to select if the ones you want are not available to you. Talk with your advisor to prevent any confusion or stress during the registration period. We want the best for you!

Advisor Responsibility

Your advisor’s responsibility is to help you plan your academic program and approve your coursework in relation to your major. You can also look to your advisor for professional guidance as you explore your professional interests. While the responsibility of meeting all academic and graduation requirements ultimately rests with you, your advisor may offer advice, refer you to another individual or office that can provide further information, and assist you in planning for your graduate education or for your psychology-related career.

During the semester, all faculty are required to post their office hours when they are available to students. During registration, advisors have additional hours for their advisees. These hours and time slots will be posted on the office door of your individual faculty advisor. If your advisor’s office hours conflict with your schedule, please arrange for an alternate meeting time.

Student Responsibility

Students must meet with advisors for approval of course schedules. After you’ve spoken with your advisor, he or she will clear you for online registration.

Advising will go more smoothly during registration week if you stay proactive and follow the instructions below:

  • Sign up in advance for an appointment. If you can’t keep the appointment, remove your name from the signup sheet in advance so that someone else can use that time slot.
  • Know what graduation requirements you still have to complete—both LinC and psychology requirements.
  • Bring your proposed class schedule (in writing), complete with all course numbers, course titles, and time periods. Be sure that you have read the course descriptions and checked the prerequisites for all courses you plan on taking and have checked the most recent list of closed courses.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute and then expect to see your advisor at your convenience. It is to your advantage to get your proposed class schedule approved as early as possible during the advising period.